Returns and Refund Policy

Standard Return Policy

We can only process returns and refunds for unopened products and/or unused merchandise within 30 days from date of purchase.

In rare cases where irregularity is reported on our products, we are more than happy to replace the irregular/defective product. Please provide us the details and the unique batch identifier code shown on the label of our product so we can report the inconsistency/defect to our logistics division. If possible at all, kindly send us pictures of the irregular product as well.

How to Return a Product

To return a product, send us an e-mail at or call +45 7199 5419. Please let us know why you are returning the product, the order number, and the number of products that needs to be returned.

When a return is confirmed, we will deliver instructions on how to arrange the return shipment via email. Please note that you can only return products that were directly purchased from our webshop at


Refunds for returned products are processed via the same method that was used to purchase the product.

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